Archive for July, 2008

Top list of foods to eat after eating the miracle berry.

July 18, 2008

Wow here is the ultimate top list of the best foods that you can enjoy the taste trip with after eating the miracle berry. Mostly these foods come to taste more sweeter than usual. So if you are about to take the miracle berry or miracle berry tablets and are looking for what food to eat, or you are holding a miracle berry party and looking for the right ingredients then remember to bookmark this page.

1. Lemon – taste very sweet almost like lemonade.
2. Tomato – tastes very sweet like a sharon fruit – answers the question “Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable ?” Now we can taste it is a fruit !
3. Lime – really really sweet – like drinking lime cordial.
4. Orange – too sweet – also depends on the variety of orange, clementines are much sweeter but tangerines taste just a little sweeter, ruby red oranges are delicious.
5. Tabasco Sauce – delicious, but don’t eat too much !
6. Goats Cheese – tastes like icing sugar or as Americans call it “frosting”.
7. Vinegar – tastes Like treacle.
8. Anything Pickled like gherkins, pickled onions taste like candy.
9. Salt and Vinegar Crisps – tastes like chinese sweet and sour.
10. Guinness – tastes like chocolate milk shake, other bitters taste chocolately.
11. Blue Cheese – tastes very creamy.
12. Grapefruit – very sweet you can’t stop eating them !
13. Granny Smiths Apple or cooking apple – tastes much sweeter.
14. Strawberry – the hint of bitterness they usually have is gone and they taste like sugar coated strawberry.
15. Broccoli – much more bearable – George Bush should try it after eating the miracle berry, then he’ll soon change his mind !
16. Pizza with tomato topping – depends on the other toppings but the tomato makes the whole pizza sweet.
17. Cottage cheese taste like a creamy cake filling.
18. Cherries – taste like glace cherries / glazed cherries.
19. Cream Cheese – tastes like cheesecake.
20. Kiwi Fruit – the tang has gone and it tastes sweeter and more delicious.
Please feel free to add anything here about what food you ate and what it tasted like after eating the miracle berry or  miracle berry tablets !

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Miraculin – Is it Really a Miracle ?

July 14, 2008

A group of Japanese researchers has developed transgenic tomatoes that contain the miraculin protein, the modifier of flavor. The origin of the miraculin is in the miracle berry, red berries of a bush native to West Africa. Indigenous peoples often use these berries to improve the taste of their dishes that contain acids and to sweeten bitter beverages. The miraculin itself is not sweet, but can sweeten a bitter taste. It is estimated that the sweetness induced by the citric acid after exposure to miraculin is 3,000 times greater than that of sucrose, with the same amount of substance in weight. This unique property, which includes the possibility to use as alternative low-calorie sweetener for diabetic and obese people, has attracted a growing interest in this protein. There are nine protein modifiers of flavor, although, as with the miraculin, its commercial viability is limited, because their natural sources are tropical plants that are difficult to grow outside their normal environment. Earlier attempts have been made to produce miraculin other guests, such as E. coli, S. cerevisiae, but have not obtained miraculin’s recombinant activity modifier of flavor.

It introduced the gene for miraculin in tomato and miraculin recombinant accumulated in the leaves of the fruits at high levels. They found that the plant species chosen is an important factor for stable production of miraculin and that the tomato is a more appropriate host for this purpose. This success in the production of recombinant miraculin in transgenic tomatoes which provides a new method to increase their availability for mass production of a sweetener and flavour enhancer low in calories.

Miracle Berry Blog

July 11, 2008

You can also read more news and views on the miracle berry fruit at the Miracle Berry Blog. Here you can read more stories and find out how to win a years supply of miracle berry tablets.

Also there is the latest news about how to find a miracle berry party in your area and about new miracle berry products which will soon be available, such as miracle berry strips and miracle berry gum. These products offer a new delivery system for the active ingredient miraculin.

Miracle Fruit

July 11, 2008
Tablets made of the miracle fruit (aka miracle berry) as it is known, the one that changes things have a bitter taste to sweet, went on sale on Sunday. Mitsuharu Shimamura, horticulturist aged 31, whose residence is located in Chita, Aichi Prefecture, established the world’s first technology to create these tablets, made of tropical fruits native of west African, which contain a protein of inducing sweetness called “miraculin” hence the name.

It is a tablet made of the freeze dried extract of three miracle berries or so-called “miraculous berries” Shimamura said. The Chupa which to eat or to produce anything else you eat or drink (albeit bitter) one minute after taking a sweet taste. The effect lasts about 2 hours.

This is produced because the protein “miraculin”  Miracle berry tablets are available in packets of 10 and are an alternative way to experience the taste trip.

Miracle Berry Tablets

July 11, 2008
The “miracle berry” comes from Africa and allows acids, bitter and sour food to be perceived as sweet flavors.

A volunteer puts a large portion of lemon sorbet in a glass of Guinness beer, drinks it and proclaims that tastes like “chocolate milkshake.” 

Nearby, another volunteer tilts the head back of her boyfriend and pours Tabasco sauce into his mouth. While he swallows he defines the flavor doughnuts !

They are part of a group of about 40 people who are enjoying under the influence of a small red berry called U.S. “Miracle Fruit”, at a party on Long Island, New York. The berry is redefining the way we perceive the palate, making lemons feel so sweet as candy.

The organizer of the festival, a lawyer for 32 years, charged $ 15 each to join the miracle berry party and delivered to each of visitors a single miracle berry. Participants then tested citrus, aloe vera and other products containing acids.

The “miracle fruit”-Synsepalum dulcificum-is native to West Africa and is known in the Western world since the 18 century. The cause of the reaction is a protein called miraculin, which acts on the taste buds and serves as a sweetener when in contact with acids, said Dr. Linda Bartoshuk, Scientific Center of taste and smell of the University of Florida. Bartoshuk says he is not aware of any danger associated with the berry.

During the seventies, a resolution of the Food and Drug Administration halted the hopes of selling extract miraculin as a substitute for sugar. In the absence of a commercial application, the “miracle fruit” acquired a profile of worship.

Fruits can be found in gourmet products distributors in New York. In the case of the company S. Katzman Produce, the berries are sold at about U.S. $ 2.5 each.

In the case of aliquid, he gets his “miracle fruit” Mozi Curtis, a farmer from Florida, which sells thousands of berries through its website. A package of 30 frozen berries can cost about U.S. $ 90 for a shipping overnight. However, you can now buy and order online the miracle berry tablets on the internet, xonsidering the proce of the real miracle fruit then the tablets are a very good alternative, especially seeing that each tablet has the freee dried extract of 3 miracle berries and can be kept for about 1 year.