Posts Tagged ‘artificial sweetner’

Miracle of Miraculin

August 16, 2008

Yes the miracle berry has been long discovered but the revolution and buzz they made is very recent, it’s started spreading on every broadcast in the whole wide world and making people go crazy about it thinking that it can’t be true and craving for to try them by themselves.

Every one who tasted the miracle berries went hysterically crazy and couldn’t believe what they are tasting, every one swears that his whole tasting is changed for ever and didn’t think that is possible, they all think that there is magic that lies in the miracle berry, can they be right or are they wrong?

Well they are right about the magic that happens but they are wrong about the magic’s source, the magic isn’t in the berries them selves, the magic lies in a glycol protein substance called miraculin that is generously available in the miracle berry.

The miraculin itself isn’t sweet in fact its bitter just like the miracle berry but what happens is when the tongue is exposed to the miraculin the taste buds will get confused and consider bitter sour tastes as heavenly sweet tastes instead.

The miraculin’s miracle affect comes from bonding to sweet receptors on the tongue.

Miraculin is named after its miracle affect that occurs when the taste buds on out tongue are exposed to it.

Scientists from all over the world are testing that substance to see where it can be found other than the miracle berry, they found that as all proteins when heated it will loose all its impact.

Further tests are made to see how they can make the full use of this substance and also to see if it can be legalized for human use.

This substance is considered to be natural sweetener that unlike all manufactured sweeteners it has no side effects or extra fat and calories and is completely natural.

If tested more and proven to be legal and useful it will be the saving straw that obese people and diabetics will hang on, because this will mean that no more prevention from sweets or candy so they can enjoy all kinds of heavenly sweet stuff with no guilt or health penalties.

Its promised that because of the miraculin after you eat the miracle berry tablet then wait for a short while then everything you eat will taste as pure sugar it will make you think that eating a lemon is like eating a sweet exotic candy and drinking vinegar is like drinking a luscious full fat milk shake.

This substance has created a very big wide spread controversy as some people consider it a useful revolution while others fear it because it messes with our system but messing with our taste buds.