Posts Tagged ‘miracle fruit tablet’

Miracle Berry Tablets Really Work !

August 24, 2008

Miracle Berry Tablets

Everyone is looking for them, and they are out there waiting for you, well most of the time they are. Miracle Berry Tablets are one of the big items of the year. If you’ve never heard of them, you should read up a bit on them, and you will be surprised by what you find out. A lot of articles have been written about miracle berry tablets and what all they do. They are known to take something that is sour and when you taste it the taste will be sweet. How do they do this? Well it’s not fully understood how the miracle berry works, it’s really amazing because the berry itself is only comprised of 14% sugar. But yet when the miracle berry tablet is taken and you eat something like a lemon, the lemon will be sweet and not make you pucker from the sourness that would normally assault your taste buds.

So miracle berry fruit tablets are a great substitute for sugar, even though they have not been approved by the FDA yet. But these tablets should be one day available as a substitute, but until that day you can still use it, there just will not be a Food and Drug Administration approval yet. Perhaps one day the miracle berry tablets will be approved as a sugar substitute. Or maybe they will go the same way that Stevia did and market itself as a dietary supplement.

Whichever way they decide to go about getting the approval it most likely isn’t far in the future before the miracle berry tablet has got it’s FDA approval.

Miracle Berry tablets are a great idea for those people who suffer from diabetes. With the way they turn sour and bitter food into better tasting sweet type food it’s a great idea for a diabetic who needs to avoid sweets. Since the miracle berry fruit is only 14% sugar it isn’t going to affect a diabetic the way that real sugar would. This miracle berry tablets are an awesome development and may even be able to cure diabetes one day in the future, the possibilities are endless. And the miracle berry tablet is easy to take too, just take anywhere from a half a tablet to a whole tablet. The miracle berry tablet will affect your taste buds anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.

Miracle of Miraculin

August 16, 2008

Yes the miracle berry has been long discovered but the revolution and buzz they made is very recent, it’s started spreading on every broadcast in the whole wide world and making people go crazy about it thinking that it can’t be true and craving for to try them by themselves.

Every one who tasted the miracle berries went hysterically crazy and couldn’t believe what they are tasting, every one swears that his whole tasting is changed for ever and didn’t think that is possible, they all think that there is magic that lies in the miracle berry, can they be right or are they wrong?

Well they are right about the magic that happens but they are wrong about the magic’s source, the magic isn’t in the berries them selves, the magic lies in a glycol protein substance called miraculin that is generously available in the miracle berry.

The miraculin itself isn’t sweet in fact its bitter just like the miracle berry but what happens is when the tongue is exposed to the miraculin the taste buds will get confused and consider bitter sour tastes as heavenly sweet tastes instead.

The miraculin’s miracle affect comes from bonding to sweet receptors on the tongue.

Miraculin is named after its miracle affect that occurs when the taste buds on out tongue are exposed to it.

Scientists from all over the world are testing that substance to see where it can be found other than the miracle berry, they found that as all proteins when heated it will loose all its impact.

Further tests are made to see how they can make the full use of this substance and also to see if it can be legalized for human use.

This substance is considered to be natural sweetener that unlike all manufactured sweeteners it has no side effects or extra fat and calories and is completely natural.

If tested more and proven to be legal and useful it will be the saving straw that obese people and diabetics will hang on, because this will mean that no more prevention from sweets or candy so they can enjoy all kinds of heavenly sweet stuff with no guilt or health penalties.

Its promised that because of the miraculin after you eat the miracle berry tablet then wait for a short while then everything you eat will taste as pure sugar it will make you think that eating a lemon is like eating a sweet exotic candy and drinking vinegar is like drinking a luscious full fat milk shake.

This substance has created a very big wide spread controversy as some people consider it a useful revolution while others fear it because it messes with our system but messing with our taste buds.

Miracle berry fruit from plant to tablets !

August 12, 2008
Miracle fruit!

The scientific name for this miracle fruit is:

Synsepalum Dulcificum Daniell Sapoctaceae

Origin: tropical West Africa (especially Ghana)

Common names: miracle fruit, magical fruit, sour to sweet magical fruit, miracle berry, magic berry, miraculous berry.

Growth: it’s an ever green bush or a tree growing to 18 feet in its native habitant and up to 5 feet in other places.

Fruit: it’s a small red bright berry that is 2-3 cm approximately, although the fruit it self isn’t sweet but when you eat a single fruit and its pulp allowed to coat the taste buds of the tongue inside the mouth, and then the magical impact starts to happen, whatever you eat after that will taste heavenly sweet even if it’s a slice of lemon as the aroma and inherent of the lemon stays but the taste completely changes, you want taste bitterness instead you will taste sweetness and this impact will stay for 30 minutes or more.

Flower: small 1\4 inch flowers are produced and succulent through out most of the year.

If you want to grow one indoors keep it in a bright warm place and in summer move it to a shaded spot.

Soils: the perfect must have soil for the miracle fruit is acid soil, acidity between pH 4.5 to 5.8 is preferred, you can get that by mixing Canadian acid peat and pine bark in equal quantities, also perlite and peat mixers produce great results, you should allow the roots of the plant to fill the container before transplanting it to a new bigger one.

Irrigation: the plant doesn’t like to sit in wet soil so be sure your soil is well drained, the need highly humid conditions because they come from a very hot tropical habitant, you can also maintain this humidity level in winter by bringing a clear plastic bag and support it with a wooden frame or a wire frame.

Or just place the container on a tray with stones at the bottom then fill it up to the top of the stones with water.

Fertilization: the usage of water soluble fertilizer like MIRACID and following the directions will give you great results, you will have to use this sparingly with frequency dependant on the growing season as in summer months you will have to fertilize more frequently.

No need to prune the miracle fruit plant.

Be aware of the spider mites, mealy bugs and other indoor pots pests, waterlogged plant will succumb to root rot.

Use : Freeze dried miracle fruit are made into miracle berry tablets and miracle fruit tablets which can then be used to experience the taste trip.


About Miracle berry tablets

August 11, 2008
Miracle berry tablets

Since the miracle berry has made a huge revolution and buzz in the whole wide world this drew attention of scientists to study those berries more and discover them more and also drew the attention of industrial icons to try making use of the miracle berry and the buzz around them in making products out of them
As the diabetics and obese people suffer a lot in being prevented of any sugar and sugary food or drinks this could be the natural calorie free, sugar free, manufacturing free solution to help them coupe with their problems and try solving them.

So the race began to study the miracle berry and discover the source of this magical impact and try creating natural miracle berry tablets from this substance for troubled people to use.

It wasn’t easy it was just like a vicious race but many scientists and companies through out time have succeeded and many failed.

Later a leading company in chemicals and medical products had the same dream but this time this dream came true and fulfilled by producing a miracle berry tablets product which was spread world wide hitting a major success every where and in every market.

This product was number one in the market for may years, it’s a magical help for diabetics and obese people that will help them conquer their problems and fears by taking this natural tablet with no extra sugar or calorie or manufacturing and still indulge in the sweet sugary heaven of their dreams.

The berries got noticed long ago for its great impact on taste and health and because of its natural sweetness that has no extra calories or fat, an American industrial man noticed that too and wanted to make a difference in the lives of diabetics and obese people, he tested the miracle berries and made an extract in a tablet for people to use then he proposed it to the government and the food and products inspecting association but to his and his partners surprise the product got refused, and that happened because it was in the beginning of the 19th century when the government didn’t have the budget or time to make further tests to fully approve that the product is safe for human use.

What ever country you are living in now you can easily search for a company that produces these miracle berry tablets and get the, better yet you can search online and make your purchase this easier and will save your time with just one click, the time of delivery and price varies, you can choose the most suitable for your budget and time range.

Now a days many companies around the world have been trying and producing miracle berries tablets all following the same concept and offering varies tablets with varies prices.

What was very impossible in the past old days technology and human intelligence made it very available now a days.

Now with all the technological advance it’s promised that more natural helpful will be produced after a huge detailed test to these berries.



All About the Miracle Fruit

August 10, 2008

All About Miracle Berry Fruit


One of the newer “big” things that a health food store should look into is the Miracle Fruit Plant, which produces what is known as Miracle Berry Fruit.  What the Miracle Berry Fruit tablet does is it makes foods that are bitter and sour to taste sweeter.  This berry was first found by explorer Chevalier des Marchais when he was exploring West Africa in the year 1725.

Marchais saw the local tribes picking the berry and eating it straight from the shrubs.  The Miracle Berry plant itself grows up to 20 feet high in its native habitat, but if it is grown in civilization it will only grow up to ten feet.  The bushes will produce two crops each year, after the rainy season has passed.  The Miracle Berry Fruit plant is from the evergreen family, and it produces small red berries, and also flowers that are white, the flowers will be produced many months of the year.  The seeds for the Miracle Berry Fruit plant are about the size of a coffee bean.

The berry produces a molecule that is called miraculin. There are active glycoprotein molecules, and also some carbohydrate chains.  When a person eats the fleshy part of the Miracle Berry Fruit, the molecule will bind itself to the person tongue; this is what causes the bitter and sour food to taste sweet.  It’s not really known how the Miracle Berry does this, it is thought though that miraculin actually works by distorting the sweetness receptors.  This effect can last from anywhere between thirty minutes to two hours.

In the 70s Miracle Berry Fruit was attempted to be commercialized to the public, but this attempt failed, the sugar industry was blamed for sabotage of an alternative sweetener to sugar.  This may well be the reason that Stevia has been marketed as a dietary supplement.

Recently the Miracle Berry Fruit has also made a comeback in Bacchanalian-like food tasting events, or referred to also as “flavor tripping parties”.  At these parties the party goers eat foods like lemons, radishes, and beer, and they then experience the taste changes.

Attempts have been made in the past to create an artificial sweetener from the Miracle Berry Fruit.  It’s hoped that the fruit will help diabetics.  Also it’s hoped the Miracle Fruit tablets will help cancer patients so the metallic taste they receive from chemotherapy treatments. 

Miraculin seems to be the hope of most researchers; in fact in 2006 some lettuce was engineered that had large amounts of miraculin in it.  Remember miraculin is what is in Miracle Berry Fruit.

Miracle Berry Fruit is available in tablets, and also freeze dried granules.  The freeze dried version has longer life on the shelf than the fresh fruit has. 

Miracle berry fruit effects will be noticed as soon as you have contact with your tongue.  The best way to get the full effect of the fruit is by putting a paste all over your tongue. 

At present though the tablets are hard to get out of Asia, it’s a very popular item with diabetics and dieters.  But you can look for the Miracle Berry Fruit tablets on the internet.

As with all medicines or products of any kind you have drawbacks.  Miraculin is a protein, so you cannot heat it or cook it because it will lose its potency.